I installed a metal curtain in an extension I'm building next door, and filmed the installation. You can watch me in action here:
hey yes, that's how a career change into a Youtube influencer starts!

I sent the video link to the manufacturer to check that I hadn't made a mistake in the assembly, and he loved both the video and the 3D animation of my logo. As a result, he asked me for a quote to do the 3D animation of the metal curtain installation stages ! The animation will be providede to his clients to help them in the assembly process.
Most of the animation will be fun to create, and sliding the slats into the guides is easy, but when it comes to animating the winding of the slats around the axis, that's going to be another matter!
I was thinking of using Modeler's IK tools, which I know well, combined with the JointMaster plugin, but there may be more elegant methods based on physical simulation in the Workspace.
Does anyone have any suggestions?