Vertex Color Tools

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Re: Vertex Color Tools

Post by clintonman »

An update will be coming soon.

I discovered a serious bug in the vertex color animation process. It would work great, but only in 1 "direction". For instance if morphed vertices start at medium height then move down then up above the original height, the movement for the vertex color animation would stop on the way up. It would only move up to the original height.

This one took a long time to even figure out what was going wrong. Bad math.

The fix is to make a copy of the original mesh and rearrange its vertices and using that as the starting point for the vertex color animation. Making it so from it's perspective it is only moving in "1 direction".
Clinton Reese
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Re: Vertex Color Tools

Post by clintonman »


Allright, got it working.
New Version on the left and Current Version on the right.

This shows how the current version results looks like the cloth is hitting an invisible ceiling instead of extending to it's full height.

The update will be published within the next few days.
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Re: Vertex Color Tools

Post by clintonman »

Cloth Conversion Scripts Dev Update

I found and fixed some problems with the vertex shaders and everything is working properly now.
New option will export exr format files via an rsx plugin update. This is a kind of replacement for saving hdr format files, which have some limitations/bug.
The cloth to modelspace will have an option to save to a cob file instead of running a python script to add the animation to modelspace. So it's a one step process instead of 2. Unless you count loading the cob file.

The cloth conversion script TODO list is short:

1. keep number of undos down - have to redo this for one section of code and check any others that need the low undo code style
2. I have a basic working cloth animation to modelspace cob script - needs some more work
3. Test the VAT textures outside of tS
Clinton Reese
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Re: Vertex Color Tools

Post by clintonman »

Got sidetracked by other things...

I decided to make a full cob exporter for workspace, so I could use the same code in the cloth to model vertex animation. While working on this I found a bug in a bitmap texture fix script that I needed to test the cob exporter. So that is fixed now and I can move forward with the cob exporter and when that's done I can finish up the cloth conversion updates.
Clinton Reese
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