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Post by trueBlue »

Unofficial Update Version 5

February 24, 2010
September 10, 2019
August 5, 2020
May 18, 2022
November 3, 2024

This Unofficial Update is for trueSpace7.6
IMPORTANT: This Update should not be used with any other trueSpace versions!

trueSpace76_MS_Legacy_Edition_V1.2 is supported
Extract to:
Vray installation is not necessary in the trueSpace76_MS_Legacy_Edition_V1.2 installation

Recommend that you install the Vray (Optional but required before installing the Update)

:: Layouts

4View, Default, Expanded, Floating, Model, and trueSpace6
* These layouts have been fixed to prevent the Main toolbars from showing on the Desktop when tS7.6 is Minimized by merging the bottom two Workspace toolbars together into one toolbar and are docked with the Status panel
* Removed all of the RS...toolbar Frame Windows

:: Widgets

Removed the duplicated Background and View Widgets

Booleans widget
Add Cursor 'RClick Close'

Object Move, Rotate, Scale, Camera Move, Rotate, FOV, and Rectangle Zoom widgets
Add Cursor 'RClick Close'

Camera Widget
* LClick - View from Camera
Rotate (Sides)
* LDrag - Spin Left & Right
* Alt + LDrag - Look around
* RDrag - Tilt Up & Down
* Alt + RDrag - Tilt Left & Right
Move (Back)
* LDrag - Move XY
* RDrag - Forward & Reverse
* LDrag - Move Horizontal
* RDrag - Move Vertical
* I + Move Mouse - Opens Camera Widget shortcuts panel

* Ctrl + LClick - Show Orbit Widget
Orbit Widget
* Ctrl + LClick - Hide Orbit Widget

Background Widget
Additional controls:
Zoom to Selection - Author Clinton Reese
* Ctrl + MMB click - Moves and centers the view to the current selection or Point Edit selection
* MMB Double click - Zooms and centers the view to the current selection or Point Edit selection
* Shift + MMB click - Moves and centers the view to all objects in the scene

View Widget
Encircle 'Green'
* Ctrl + LMB click Rotates the Perspective view and Isometric view
* I + Move Mouse - View Widget shortcuts panel

RotateYZ 'Red'
* RMB click = Open - Animation Editor
* Ctrl + LMB click = Open - AnimationBar toolbar

RotateYZ 'Blue'
* RMB click = Open - Link Editor

Object Navigation Widget
Additional controls:
* LMB + Drag - Moves selected object in X and Y
* MMB + Drag - Moves the widget
* RMB Select - Closes the widget
* Ctrl + LMB select opens the Object Navigation Widget's Preferences

Bars. Triangles. Cubes. & Arcs
* Ctrl + LMB select opens their Mouse settings
* H + LB - Switch to Selector Cage Widget
* J + LB - Show | Hide Selector Cage Widget
* I + Move Mouse - Opens Object Navigation shortcuts panel

Selector Cage Widget
Additional controls:
* Ctrl + LMB select on the widget opens the widget's Mouse Settings panel
* H + LB - Switch to Object Navigation Widget

Look At Widget
* LClick select object to Look At
* RClick cancel

:: Toolbars

Scene ORA modes, Grid modes, Switch Views, Reset View
These toolbar commands will run without the Main 3D Window needing focus unless there is a floating/docked 3D Window that has focus

Animation Editor toolbar
* Added a prototype

AnimationBar toolbar
* Play / Stop
* Previous Frame / Reverse Frame -30
* Next Frame / Advance Frame +30
* Flat Custom Interpolation

3D Record toolbar
* Play / Preferences

jScript Record toolbar
* Stop all Activities

VBScript Record toolbar
* Stop all Activities

Workspace Main toolbar
* 3D Encapsulate / RMB opens Preferences
* Copy selected objects / RMB opens Preferences
* Delete selected objects / RMB opens Preferences
* Reset to Default Context? 'Prompt to Reset' / RMB 'No Prompt to Reset'
* Save current State - 'Default Context Backup'
* jScript Macro - RMB Inserts a jScript Command
* VBScript Macro - RMB - Inserts a VBScript Command
* New Scene - RMB navigates to the scene level in the Link Editor
* Look At - Look At Widget / RMB opens Look At Utilities
* Unlook At - Look At Utilities
* Hide - LMB Hides all the selected objects
* Show - LMB Shows all the selected objects

Workspace Navigation toolbar
* Axis reset - Changed the tooltip to: Reset Axis
* Axis tool - RMB toggles the Axis Widget's 'Show In Front'
* Set Default Pose? - Prompt to cancel setting the Default Pose if one is already present

U - Unselects selected objects / RMB Unselect and Close Panels
Open - Open the Link Editor Navigator menu / RMB Open Scene
Organize - Minimize All and Arrange / RMB Maximize All and Arrange
Object - Open the selected object in the Link Editor / RMB Open Scene

:: Panels

* Customized Desktop panel exposing all aspects to the Default aspect
* [Enter] Renames the scene
LMB click Inserts the current Scene name
RMB click Resets the Scene name to Space 3D
* Undo History [Clear]
* Dialog settings [View]
* Recent Files [Clear]

Animation Preferences
* Shrink Play Range
* Play - Plays the Play Range
* Stop - Stops and sets the time to the Start of the Play Range
* Scrubbers for Start and End 'Play Range'
* Advance Frame 'Advance frame forwards or backwards by amount entered'
* Bake Keyframes

* Added Edit Boxes to the panel

D3D Material Editor
* Enabled 'Edit picked material directly'

* Exported the 'Snap Radius' attribute on the Grid aspect
Windows Setting
* Fixed the Edit Boxes to Update on Change
Object Render Attributes
* Enter name of the object
* Show Object Attribs button 'Adds Object Render Attributes'
All Lights have a new UI with all of their aspects showing in the Stack/Panel and include an Intensity attribute for their Solid Color. Default = 1 which equals no Intensity. Note: The Default light setup is the only library item that was modified with the new lights. Unfortunately all pre existing lights, scenes, libraries, and Light setups will have the original lights.

Material Editor - Library Browser Edition
* Library Places button
* Library button
:: - 2D Aspect / 1D 2D Aspect button
LMB click - Opens/Saves the current 2D Aspect frame's current Location, Height, and Thumbnail size
RMB click - Opens/Saves the current 1D 2D Aspect frame's current Location, Height, and Thumbnail size
Note: Also saves the current aspect, 1D, 2D, or 1+2

Note: To enable the Library Browser, select the Update Library Places icon in the D3D Material Editor
In the Library Places -> Combo Control, select the Main Library Place
In the next Combo Control, select which library you would like to open
Note: At any time your libraries are not showing, select the Update Library Places icon again to update the Library Places
To use the D3DMaterials, select the D3DMaterials in the Library Places -> Combo Control
In the next Combo Control, select the Materials - DX9 and press your Enter key

D3D Material Editor
* Render icons, UV tools, Edit picked material directly, and Update Library Browser buttons

:: Workspace Shortcuts
Redefined and added additional shortcuts
* Window.Shortcuts
* Window.Shortcuts_BACKUP
* tS76 Workspace Shortcut List.rtf

Object Move and Rotate shortcuts
3D View & Anim View - 'Window in focus with object selected'

Code: Select all

Object Move
4		-X Move Left 0.1
6		+X Move Right 0.1
8		-Y Move Forward 0.1 'Object Space'
2		+Y Move Reverse 0.1 'Object Space'
CTRL+4		-X Move Left 1.000
CTRL+6		+X Move Right 1.000
CTRL+8		-Y Move Forward 1.000 'Object Space'
CTRL+2		+Y Move Reverse 1.000 'Object Space'
Page Up		+Z Move UP 0.1
Page Down	-Z Move Down 0.1
CTRL+Page Up	+Z Move UP 1.000
CTRL+Page Down	-Z Move Down 1.000
Home		   Normalize Location

Object Rotate
7		-Z Rotate Left 1.000 degree
9		+Z Rotate Right 1.000 degree
1		-X Rotate Forward 1.000 degree
3		+X Rotate Reverse 1.000 degree
0		+Y Rotate Left 1.000 degree
.		-Y Rotate Right 1.000 degree
CTRL+7		-Z Rotate Left +45 degrees
CTRL+9		+Z Rotate Right -45 degrees
CTRL+1		-X Rotate Left -45 degrees
CTRL+3		+X Rotate Right +45 degrees
CTRL+0		+Y Rotate Left +45 degrees
CTRL+.		-Y Rotate Right -45 degrees
5		   Normalize Rotation
:: Libraries

* Vray - Animation scripts
* Animation scripts
* Objects - tS7.6 Update objects library

:: Misc

* Camera - The Camera's Shape was modified so that the mesh does not show when viewing from any camera in some instances. The Camera's tool placement position is now Z = 1.000

* tS65 Help - Open from Model's Help menu
* My_Default - Import from Model's Configuration Library

Model - Plugins
* PolyCombine.tsx - Author Clinton Reese
* FindCamera.tsx - Author Chikara
* toolbox.tsx - Authors - Casey Langen and Joe Brewer
Animator’s Toolbox
Tails, Shakadelic Pro, Real-time Array, Neo-Kern, Strobe Lights, Animation Eraser, Animation Slider, and FPS Converter

* Clintons3dPlugin.dll v.1638457 is Loaded into System (C:\trueSpace76) and is REQUIRED - Author Clinton Reese
The init.js file Imports the Clintons3dPlugin.dll plugin and should not be Installed from the Package Manager, including any other plugins with the same name that have the rsx extention!

* Vray Materials.mtl
* ISO POV Cameras.obl
4 Isometric cameras Author - Emmanuel
4 Perspective cameras


It is recommend that you completely Uninstall and Install trueSpace7.6 to a clean directory:
Install the tS76PDF.exe (Optional but required before installing this Update)
Vray users:
Install the tS76_Vray1_53.exe (Optional but required before installing this Update)

Close trueSpace7.6

1.) Install tS76.5.exe to C:\trueSpace76 - REQUIRED
2.) Browse [...] to where you installed C:\trueSpace76, select its folder and then the [Extract] button
3.) Select the [Yes to All] button
4.) Open trueSpace and press the Reset to Default Context icon - REQUIRED
When trueSpace opens,
5.) In Workspace select one of the layout tabs at the top
6.) Close trueSpace - REQUIRED

If Vray1.53 is installed,
7.) Press your keyboard's CTRL + F8 keys to open the Package Manager
Right click in the Package Manager and select [Install New...]
[Open] the Vray_ts.rsx
Right click in the Package Manager's Vray Package and select [Load]
Close the Package Manager
8.) Close trueSpace - REQUIRED

Special thanks to Clinton Reese for all his help and contributions in this update!

WARNING: The trueSpace Button libraries are not compatible with this Unofficial Update version 5 toolbars!
WARNING: Using any trueSpace 7.6 Unofficial Updates, Patches or other Installers may not be compatible with this Unofficial Update version 5
If the reset.js and or init.js file is deleted or modified you will have to run the tS76.5.exe again!

If the Clintons3dPlugin.dll plugin does not Load, Download and Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ... x?id=26368
Note: When downloading the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package you are given 3 choices
Choose the 32-bit version; vcredist_x86.exe
(8.84 MiB) Downloaded 67 times